[Update] Music Performance Diploma Repertoire lists (2021 edition)
The 2021 edition repertoire lists for Music Performance Diplomas contain approximately 150 new pieces, many taken from trusted and popular … Continued
The 2021 edition repertoire lists for Music Performance Diplomas contain approximately 150 new pieces, many taken from trusted and popular … Continued
Due to the disruption caused to candidates throughout the pandemic, Trinity College London has extended the overlap period of these … Continued
Converting to Digital Grades and Diplomas exams are now available for all enrolled candidates It includes all grades including Classical … Continued
Trinity (HK) Music Centre has been receiving inquiries about exam recordings, we hereby clarify few points: Trinity College London and … Continued
In response to the situation of novel coronavirus pandemic, Trinity Music Practical exams (Aug-Nov 2020) and Rock & Pop exams … Continued
Trinity College London has officially announced the overlap period for the following classical graded syllabuses: Strings 2016-2019 syllabus (extended until … Continued
In response to the situation of novel coronavirus infection and the health and safety concerns of candidates, The 17th Music … Continued
Trinity College London is incredibly excited to announce the launch of its brand-new Digital Grades and Diplomas which, from November … Continued
A message from Sarah Kemp, Chief Executive of TCL The global pandemic has changed the world for all of us … Continued
WHAT’S CHANGED? ◗ New performance pieces at all levels, offering candidates our widest ever choice of repertoire, with more pieces … Continued