
石家沣博士小提琴大师班 | 岑健威钢琴大师班




石家沣博士小提琴大师班 Trinity Violin Master Class with Dr. Gilbert Sak

日期Date:  27 /Sep/2018 (Thur)

时间Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

地点Venue : 柏斯音乐厅 – 铜锣湾时代广场 第一座14/F Parsons Music Hall – 14/F, Tower 1, Times Square, Causeway Bay

演奏曲目 Repertoire: (as at 19 Sep 2018; limited performer vacancies left!)
1/ Pablo de Sarasate : Zigeunerweisen
2/ César Franck : Sonata in A


岑健威钢琴大师班 Trinity Piano Master Class with Kinwai Shum

日期Date: 11/Oct/2018 (Thur)

时间Time:  7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

地点Venue : 柏斯音乐厅 – 铜锣湾时代广场 第一座14/F Parsons Music Hall – 14/F, Tower 1, Times Square, Causeway Bay

演奏曲目 Repertoire: (as at 2 Oct 2018)

1/ Mozart : Sonata K.332 first movement
2/ Beethoven : 1st mvt of Piano Sonata No. 17 in D minor, Op. 31, No. 2 (Tempest)
3/ Bach, Johann Sebastian : Prelude and Fugue in E minor, BWV 879
4/ Chopin : Ballade No.4



Paypal 网上缴费,8月22日起开始接受报报名:

Paypal online payment, Enrolment starts from 22 Aug:


石家沣曾于德、英、美三国深造,为香港首位主修小提琴演奏之音乐艺术博士。石氏曾师事多名国际小提琴大师,包括Yfrah Neaman、Petru Munteanu、Albert Markov, Michael Goldstein及 Dr. John Bauer等,并曾参与Werner Scholz,Stefan Georghiu 及 David Kim的大师班。石氏曾钻研室内乐演奏,曾受教于多个著名室内乐组合之成员,当中包括 (Guarneri Quartet) 瓜奈利四重奏、 (Orion String Quartet) 奥赖恩弦乐四重奏、(American String Quartet) 美国弦乐四重奏及 (American Piano Trio) 美国钢琴三重奏等。

石氏曾任美国多个乐团之首席小提琴手,并曾参与多项国际性音乐活动,足迹遍及中国、日本、韩国、新加坡、马来西亚、德国、意大利、瑞典、芬兰及瑞士。他曾与室乐泰斗 (Charles Wadsworth)查尔斯‧华兹禾斯,钢琴家(Adam Nieman)亚当‧尼曼,及上海弦乐四重奏同台演出。作为乐师,石氏曾在多位指挥大师棒下演出,其中计有库特.马舒 (Kurt Masur),洛林‧马泽尔 (Lorin Maazel),马连拿爵士 (Sir Neville Marriner),托特里耶 (Yan Pascal Tortelier),郑明勋 (Myung-Whun Chung)等。自2000年回流香港后,一直活跃于本地乐坛并举办多场室乐演奏会。自2001年起,石氏担任香港城市室乐团之第二小提琴首席,由2010至2014年更充当联席团长。



Dr. Gilbert Sak

As the first Hong Kong native to have received a doctorate in violin performance, Gilbert Sak studied in Germany, England and the U.S.A., under the tutelage of world famous violinists and pedagogues including Michael Goldstein, Albert Markov, Petru Munteanu, Yfrah Neaman, and Dr. John Bauer.  He participated in master classes with Werner Scholz, Stefan Georghiu and David Kim, and received coaching from members of the Guarneri Quartet, Orion String Quartet, American String Quartet and American Piano Trio.

Dr. Sak has held principal positions in a number of orchestras in the U.S.A., and was a founding member of the Kalamazoo Symphony String Quartet.  His participation in international music festivals and concert tours has brought him to countries like China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Finland and the Switzerland.  As a chamber musician, he has performed with Charles Wadsworth, Adam Nieman and the Shanghai String Quartet.  As an orchestral player, he has performed under the batons of such maestros as Kurt Masur, Lorin Maazel, Sir Neville Marriner, Yan-Pascal Tortelier and Myung-Whun Chung, just to name a few.  Upon his return to Hong Kong in 2000, he has been sought after and active as a chamber musician, giving recitals frequently in various chamber ensembles.  From 2001 to 2014, he held the position of 2nd Violin Principal and subsequently Co-Leader with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong.

As a teacher, Dr. Sak has taught the violin, the viola, string pedagogy, performance studies and chamber music at the Columbia College of South Carolina, Hong Kong Baptist University, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Hong Kong University, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Education.  He has been invited frequently by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to give lectures and pre-concert talks on string music. In 2009, he was appointed as Hong Kong Consultant in Strings by Trinity Guildhall of London.

In addition to his musical merits, Dr. Sak earned a Master of Education degree from the Open University of Hong Kong and was a member of Hong Kong Mensa.


岑健威是香港其中一位最活跃的钢琴演奏家。他早于一九九九年在美国Hilton Head国际钢琴大赛中得第三名,于二零零七年在德国舒伯特国际钢琴大赛中得第四名,他富感染力的演出,为他在二零零八年美国新奥尔良国际钢琴大赛中赢得最受观众喜爱奖。

岑健威演出无数,足迹遍及欧洲、美洲和远东等地,他曾以独奏家身份与德国多特蒙德市管弦乐团、香港爱乐乐团和香港Pro Arte乐团合作,又曾在意大利Casalmaggiore音乐节和美国佛罗里达Sarasota音乐节中作室乐演出。在香港,他演出过多场独奏及二重奏音乐会,亦多次为香港电台第四台录音。近年,他应邀于美国印第安纳大学夏日音乐节和韩国涟川国际音乐节中演出和任教,又巡回中国内地,于上海、杭州、成都、广州和深圳等多个城市演奏多场独奏会。岑健威首张专辑由环球唱片发行,收录舒伯特的《音乐瞬间》和《流浪者幻想曲》,还收录与奥地利钢琴家德姆斯(Jörg Demus)合奏的舒伯特四手联弹作品《F小调幻想曲》。

岑健威毕业于纽约伊士曼音乐学院,现任教于香港演艺学院和香港浸会大学,并担任香港教育大学驻院艺术家。他于二零零八年得到香港特别行政区民政事务局局长颁发嘉许状,表扬他在音乐方面的成就。零九年,他又荣获香港钢琴音乐协会杰出青年钢琴家大奖。 一一年成为史坦威艺术家,一三年获选为香港十大杰出青年。

Kinwai Shum

“With immense keyboard gifts…a beautifully designed and elegantly realized interpretation” –   The Herald-Times, USA

Pianist Kinwai Shum is a prizewinner in the Schubert International Piano Competition (Dortmund, 2007) and the Hilton Head International Piano Competition (1999). He was awarded the Audience Favorite Prize in the New Orleans International Piano Competition (2008) and a Diploma d’Honor in the Maria Canals International Piano Competition (Barcelona, 2004).

Kinwai has performed recitals in Europe, North America and the Far East Asia.  He has played with the Dortmund Philharmonic, the Hong Kong Symphonia, and the Hong Kong Pro Arte Orchestra, among others, and was invited to perform and teach in the Indiana University Summer Music Festival and the Yeoncheon DMZ International Music Festival in Korea.

Kinwai is a graduate of the Eastman School of Music.   He currently teaches at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Hong Kong Baptist University, and is an Honorary Artist-in-residence of the Education University of Hong Kong.  In recognizing his musical achievements, he was presented the Certificate of Commendation by the Secretary for Home Affairs, the government of Hong Kong in 2008, and the Distinguished Young Pianist Award by the Hong Kong Piano Music Association in 2009.  He is the awardee of the 2013 Ten Outstanding Young Persons in Hong Kong.  He is a Steinway artist.